Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Class at Universidad Catolico and Korean Nametags

I have my first class of Study Abroad today at Catholic University which is about 30 minutes walking distance from Casa ACU. I was little nervous to take a class outside somewhere in Montevideo. However, it turned out a good experience to walk around neighborhood.

There are only three people in my class includi
ng myself. The teacher was very nice and funny in several ways. We are not allowed to speak any English in class; therefore, she had to draw lots of stuff on a board to explain what a certain word means... and she is a really good at drawing..
I wish I took pics of her drawings of forks, knives, and spoons.. but she erased them.

After coming back from class, I learned how to play SET from Mrs. Walker. I was lost in the beginning, but it was a good game.

Today girls and I went to gimnasio urbana to do aerobicos.
I never did one before in my life; however, it was really fun to jump around.
The instructor was a tiny woman who had a major ADHD....
she was so funny...
It was a productive day

Finally I got to take pics of the Korean name tags I made for the guys...
Brandon's Korean name means "hill" since his name means a beacon on the hill.

I really like how his Korean name sounds.
Earl's name means "a fluffy cloud"... welll.. because.. he is EARL...
Aaron's Korean name literally means "a gansta" because he wanted a manly name.
Tanner's korean name means "a hunter" since he likes to hunt. I drew of him killing a bear with one shot.. :)
My favorite name of all is though Jordan's. Jordan wanted to be named "one who talks alot". However, Earl came up with a better one "a petite bird".
I liked both. so I named him "a petite bird, who talks alot" in korean..

It also sounds funny as much as it sounds funny in English.. I love it..  
Here are their name tags...

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